Classic gay movies hitchcock

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She had a small supporting role in Charles Chaplin’s box office and critical flop A Countess from Hong Kong (1967), starring Marlon Brando and Sophia Loren, and then had leads in a handful of long-forgotten movies, such as R.G. Hedren had no luck after she rid herself of her Hitchcock ties. He was a great director – and he destroyed it all by his behavior when he got me alone.” “Yet, at the same time, I loathed him for his off-set behavior and the way he came on to me sexually. “I admired Hitch tremendously for his great talent and still do,” Hedren told London’s Daily Mail.

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Tippi Hedren once told The Times of London that Alfred Hitchcock – for whom she starred in The Birds (1963) and Marnie (1964), and with whom she had an exclusive contract – “kept me under contract, kept paying me every week for almost two years to do nothing” after she refused his sexual advances.

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